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CIG-LLNL Computational Seismology Workshop


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Introduction
  3. Part I: Setting up SPECFEM3D_GLOBE
  4. Part II: Continental-scale Simulations
  5. Part III: Visualization
  6. Part IV: Adjoint Simulations (Bonus)
  7. Further Work
  8. Resources

Further Work

If you have finished the tutorial up until this point, you could attempt one of the following tasks:

Run a forward simulation with a different model resolution

Hint: Change the following parameters in the Par_file and the submission scripts submit_mesher and submit_solver accordingly

  # number of elements at the surface along the two sides of the first chunk
  # (must be multiple of 16 and 8 * multiple of NPROC below)
  NEX_XI                          = 192
  NEX_ETA                         = 192
  # number of MPI processors along the two sides of the first chunk
  NPROC_XI                        = 12
  NPROC_ETA                       = 12

Recall: #processors = NPROC_XI * NPROC_ETA * NCHUNKS

Setup and run a simulation with an event of your choice

Hint: Replace the CMTSOLUTION file with the CMT solution for your event. You can find this information at the Global CMT web page.

It might also be necessary to change the following parameters in the Par_file, depending on the location of the event

  # angular width of the first chunk (not used if full sphere with six chunks)

Run a forward simulation with a different background model and compare the seismograms for the two simulations

Hint: Change the following parameter in the Par_file to one of the other models that is listed.

  # 1D models with real structure:
  # 1D_isotropic_prem, 1D_transversely_isotropic_prem, 1D_iasp91, 1D_1066a, 1D_ak135f_no_mud, 1D_ref, 1D_ref_iso, 1D_jp3d,1D_sea99
  # 1D models with only one fictitious averaged crustal layer:
  # 1D_isotropic_prem_onecrust, 1D_transversely_isotropic_prem_onecrust, 1D_iasp91_onecrust, 1D_1066a_onecrust, 1D_ak135f_no_mud_onecrust
  # fully 3D models:
  # transversely_isotropic_prem_plus_3D_crust_2.0, 3D_anisotropic, 3D_attenuation,
  # s20rts, s40rts, s362ani, s362iso, s362wmani, s362ani_prem, s362ani_3DQ, s362iso_3DQ,
  # s29ea, s29ea,sea99_jp3d1994,sea99,jp3d1994,heterogen,full_sh
  # 3D models with 1D crust: append "_1Dcrust" the the 3D model name
  #                          to take the 1D crustal model from the
  #                          associated reference model rather than the default 3D crustal model
  # e.g. s20rts_1Dcrust, s362ani_1Dcrust, etc.
  MODEL                           = s362ani

Remember to save the seismograms from the first simulation before you run the simulation with a different background model.

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