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CIG-LLNL Computational Seismology Workshop


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Introduction
  3. Part I: Setting up SPECFEM3D_GLOBE
  4. Part II: Continental-scale Simulations
    1. Prepare the Data and Paramaters
    2. Generate a Mesh for the Continental Model
    3. Run the Solver
  5. Part III: Visualization
  6. Part IV: Adjoint Simulations (Bonus)
  7. Further Work
  8. Resources

Part II: Continental-scale Simulations

This second part of the tutorial will take you through the steps that are needed to run a continental-scale simulation with SPECFEM3D_GLOBE. The steps we need to take are the following:

Run the Solver

After editing the parameter files and generating the mesh, we are ready to run the solver itself. Before we do this, we will go through the following checklist to make sure that we have gone through all the preceeding steps correctly:

If all of these steps have been covered, we can go on to run the solver.

The solver is run with the executable xspecfem3D on the cluster. Similar to the meshing routine, we need to send our job to the cluster’s job scheduler. The script we use for this task is the submit_solver script:

      #SBATCH -N 4
      #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=36
      #SBATCH -t 00:30:00
      #SBATCH -p pReserved
      # load appropriate compilers/libraries
      module load intel/16.0.4
      # change directory to build (e.g. /p/lscratchh/vaaland1/specfem3d_globe/)
      cd path/to/specfem3d_globe
      srun -n 144 ./bin/xspecfem3D

NOTE: As in the previous section, we need to modify this file such that path/to/specfem3d_globe is the path to the current working directory (e.g. /p/lscratchh/vaaland1/specfem3d_globe/).

We submit the job by typing in the command line

      sbatch submit_solver

and monitor the job by typing squeue.

The solver should take ~8 minutes to finish. Once the job is done, the results can be found in the OUTPUT_FILES/ folder. Check the OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt file to make sure that the solver ran successfully.

In this section, we have looked at how to run the solver for our continental-scale simulation.

In the next section we move on to Part III of the tutorial, and look at how to visualize the simulation output.

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